
Guide us through the valley of darkness, especially in times of crises, when we need your support, your comfort and your guidance. Bring to this troubled Earth wisdom, peace and understanding. Blind following would not do anybody any good, if the government does not understand anything, plus not willing to listen to what other people say, should we still decide to follow this bit or should we change a bit? Why do we need to be scared? Bear in mind who are we with, with more than 100,000 people, probably up to a million people, together with truth, faith and peace with us, so why fear?

If God/Allah assigns a few of us should die for this, there is no reason for us to decline this task. Why? They would be the first martyrs on the Road to Democracy for this tiny place, and history will remember those people who have been fighting hard for DEMOCRACY, so as those people. We should respect all the martyrs on paving this road out.

Regardless of the tasks we are assigned by God, just do our part, walk onto the streets in Causeway Bay, from Victoria Park, Sogo, Wan Chai Fire Station, Tin Lok Lane, Queen's Road East, Queensway, Cotton Tree Drive, all the way up to Central, and the heart of Central, the Government Buildings........

Those who are walking with us, stay cool.....
Those who cannot come, pray for us, and pray for our wisdom-less government in this tiny place.



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