
What a fruitful evening we have...

Debate may be a little harsh as I have to concede that I am not well-prepared for the tutorial,

BUT, it is also undeniable point that there are so many things that would make somebody easily confused about Administrative Law...

You want to know the reason? Ask me...

The essence of this evening is that you get to know something being obsolete in the point of view of a practitioner...

I admire my tutor, and I think I am blessed to have him as the tutor after all...Thank God...

or else my GPA of the semester would surely be gone...

And what is the thing that are obsolete? It is simply the error of law and error of fact...

And what is the thing that confuse one? They are the jurisdictional error and non-jurisdictional error...

Hey...Who else do you need if you already have somebody as fascinating as my tutor is?

Who is the counsel that appears in Court? Who is the teacher?

Who knows the law the best?

There seems to have no need to provide the answers for all these questions,

as they are really really more than crystal clear enough to see~~



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