

O Lord most high,
I know God wants us to be stronger through experiences on more difficult and thorny roads,
but sometimes,
we would be easily shaken because we lack the faith in ourselves,
or that we are not as capable in overcoming all the obstacles that you have laid on our way.

I, as a mortal,
cannot act anything further except to give my slightest might,
if I ever have any, to those who are in need,
and contribute whatever I can,
even though I know very clear that my contribution is incomparable to
what you have provided with us.

My Lord,
please bless _____ through her way....
I feel that she would need God,
for that you can guide her through this mist,
and the unhappiness that she faces.
I feel so powerless as I try to approach her...
I know there are so little I can help...
But as a friend,
I feel so bad as I cannot help her out,
or even just by hearing to her rants...

Please God,
give her the courage to face all those obstacles on her way,
empower her and let her recognise the values of sharing with others.
I believe,
these are the only things that I, as a friend,
can do.

In Jesus' sake, Amen.



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