
I am exhausted right now, very exhausted for my mind. Why? Because I could not imagine how difficult JUPAS things can be. Maybe I have not used my quota last year, and I would have to repay the interests altogether this year this time. I don't really mind helping my friend out, but I was surprised and shocked to know that there would be so much pressure from family on choosing degrees.

I still remembered a friend whom has faced enormous pressure when he had to make his choices last year, and faced a huge debate with his family. I would say that he had already done his best, and his choice is already quite okay, although being opposed from choosing courses like philosophy, while I have to acknowledge that he would be far better if he could be allowed to do courses that he really loved, though the current course he is taking, economics, is already something quite fit for him.

But the case of my friend at present, it's even more complicated. He has no problem in choosing degree courses and certain higher diploma courses, yet he was not allowed to put up associate degree courses up to 5th and 6th choice, insisting that it would not be necessary to put up there, while also thinking that the prospect of associate degree is very uncertain. I don't know, maybe I am not too smart enough to understand anything, but I would just say my major concern is to get my friend safely entering university, and this is also the prime concern for every person involved in this bit.




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