
Stage 1=My Immortal,
Stage 2=Adia,
Stage 3=Do What You Have to Do,
Stage 4=Dirty Little Secret.....

Then I'm in Stage 4 now...
But then...
How many stages would I have to undergo?
And where is the end of this tunnel?

One should not worry, but I did...
One should not feel the fear, but I did...
One should not feel too much, but apparently I did...

So many shouldn'ts, but then the shouldn'ts are not equivalent to what I have done...
I know my way...
I feel myself in stage 4 as if what I felt during stage 1...
and of course stage 4 is much more difficult to stand because of its torments...
and that I am too awake about the feelings in Stage 4 because they were just the same of Stage 1,
but of course at a muich deeper degree....

Should I pace myself and proceed to Stage 5?
But what then Stage 5 would be?
And ultimately....

Where is the answer?



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