
Feel the lady's high heel.....

I have a pair of shoes that seems like wearing high-heel shoes, but that's not enough when compared with today and possiblily the few days to come. That's because my right foot suffered from an injury that I would feel the pain when my right foot is on the floor (what the hell this kind of injury is...) I have to walk, in the bonesetter's word, like a ballet-dancer. Oh never mind, being a ballet dancer isn't as bad as like walking all the day on high-heel... I began to hate high-heel, it's like high-heLL instead of just being high-heeled. I think I would not need my lad (If I am going to have one anyway) to wear high-heel, it's too painful to bear that anyway....

I don't know how long I would have to stand and walk high-heeled, just bear this pain for this point of time....



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