
Poor me...
I missed my first Swedish Class just out of forgetfulness, because I just knew that it would commence today, yet never the time. So I thought it would already be great for me to check with Language Centre around noon. But the bad news is that the class had already begun at 10, so I was just left with an hour, while I have to meet the group son and daughters, and so forget it for the time being. I promise myself would be back for the lesson tomorrow.

Very grateful to see my group son and daughters, and heard them talking about other O'camps for those who had joined, and I am very delighted to hear that most of them regard our camp as the best, though a little bit exhausting. They also paid tributes to us as group dads and moms for encouarging them to try their best, sometimes even took the lead to set an example for them. Almost all my son and daughters chose the same classes if they could, and I think this is the only way to make things better for the freshmen of the coming year, and my role is to help them to feel together instead of a few small groups....This is the thing that I would try.

Met the parent of a friend late in the evening, as I handed something to him and he helped them to finance the things through. I feel quite bad at knowing that my friend's mother is still jobless, and things are quite hard as the unemployment rate soars. I can do really little to help, but just hope that she would be able to find a job as soon as possible la......

Went to a little window-shopping at Plaza Hollywood after that, still gathering information to help me deciding which racket I should get. And luckily, I got a catalog in hand right now, so I can spend some time to discuss with the shop-keeper whom I have mentioned in the previous entry, and I think I would ask about the differences between two rackets of the same series of Carbonex, both of them being Special.....maybe it would take some more time before I get one, but it shouldn't take long.

P.S.: Scott, thanks for helping us in the O'Camp, and it's a delight to know you, hope you will enjoy your year in Canada, and good luck~



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