
Let me write a bit about yesterday....

The most significant part of yesterday was farewelling one of my father's friend, who would be migrating back to Indonesia and start his new life there. I would not write much about his miserable stories during his time in Hong Kong, as it would take a million years to finish that. I felt I knew him far too late, only until the very last moment, that I finally got a chance to talk to him, and discovered that he was amongst one of the best of my father's friend. There were lots of things that we chatted about, from sports to living space, and heard him talked a lot about his life and his past. And from the example set by my father and his freind, I knew much more about "what is a true friendship?"

There are some questions that keep staying in my mind on things and people around me, and some of them tried to persuade me that friends need not always speak to heart. Sometimes hearty things might not be spoken just for other reasons, but I would definitely not to choose to be friends of those people whom I cannot talk to with my heart. Why? The reason should be understandable as easy as pie.

Their friendship has covered the past FOUR decades, and it would last. They have experienced things together, and met different difficulties together from the start. Maybe I just lacked similar bonding with people around me, which I would say it is my fault. But there are just something always out of my control, which make things really difficult.....

But anyway....
Let me calm down a bit and start my Swedish Class some twenty minutes later la~~



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