

This time I am not swearing, but really praying for something. I confess that I have below-par performance on academic part through laziness over the last year, and I guess there is no better remedy than working hard now. I know what I need to do well, just that there seems to be no way for me to start. I think I acknowledge the problem well enough, but it seems that i have already embraced the problem, instead of trying to find a solution to the problem. Is it that I should do something to change my attitude, or simply to change my lifestyle, and to make it a more workable one? And how....

I pray that things be bad if they should, so as to let me know the severity of the problem, as this is equitable to me, without "clean hands". I pray that things would be better if Lord God can guide me through the way, or at least pointing some ways to me which I would be able to work along. I am not so concerned with the end result, as long as I have tried my best to prove, this would already be more than satisfactory to me.

Got a very funny chat with a friend, and it is only at this moment that I realise how mismatching our working places are. She works for a tutorial centre at Tsz Wan Shan, which is in fact just 10 minutes walk from my home, yet she would have to travel a long distance before she can get there, while I have a student who lived in Shum Cheng, which is quite far away for me, again only some 15 minutes ride on minibus for her....Such mismatch isn't that bad after all, we can benefit from each other in many ways ge....(though I look to have chances to gain more from her....haha~~) I just feel very happy after the chat on the phone, quite rare in two sense, one for chatting on the phone, and the other is the feeling.....

oh well, gotta face the cruel reality (as imposed by myself)......loads of things for tomorrow, and the day after....
SOLVE them well or you'll die.....



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