
Got to attend a lecture on PRC law today, but I began to agree with the findings by my learned friends, that it is actually a Chinese history and politics course. I don't mind that as they are just factual things , and it should not be too difficult. But as I am not sure about what the course would cover, so I am just interested to know if things would be similar to the psycho course which I had taken last semester, which ended in bloody results. And the lecturer, though not a bad one, only read out materials from the powerpoint, and don't seem trying to induce the students to think. But so far, at least I would not regret to skip the lectures if I am really too sleepy, and I would just be sleeping there anyway.

Jag hade svenska lektionen i kv鄟l. (I had the Swedish lesson in the evening) This is by far the happiest lesson that I have ever had since entering the university. Maybe I love to work with different people, and I asked about the details of the summer course in Sweden, which I might be attending if I found it worthwhile, and so far the feedbacks from students had the experience were quite well, and I would consider my option if possible. Of course, this is only one of my summer plans, but at least I want to know if it is worthwhile to try. I would also add that I just aim at travelling around when I was there, and I just think that there ain't any problem travelling around, even when it means I have to be alone.

Jesus, the semester only started for less than 3 weeks, but I am already thinking about my long summer break. How can I expect myself to perform well in the rest of the year? And it just reflects one thought, that I don't have my rest in the last summer....God save me...



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