
Never been that unhappy just for a course. I had tried to take introduction of private international law as one of the courses for this semester, and there are so many things that I love about this course. It suits my timetable, and my overall schedule of this semester (No assignments, and non-counting tutorials). Yet, my lecturer, upon knowing my case, advised me not to take this course. I didn't want to drop it at first, but it's my sheung jong who finally persuaded me to drop it, and take the most popular, but sounded-boring Intro to PRC Law.

Maybe it isn't a bad thing, as he said I could take it later on. What I hope is that I can really take it in 5th sem, that's the first sem of next year, and won't clash with criminal law I. The frustration is so heavy, and I was just left wounded a bit, apparently not just disappointed but a little ashamed. How great it would be if I can take this course, and to work with such a great, and funny lecturer. I just hope things would be fine for me ultimately, and I would pay 1000 times more attention to the courses offered by this lectuere, Philip Smart..

Anyway, life must go on, and better stop lamenting the loss, rather to work harder for the coming life.



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