
Silence before the storm this evening...

Got a little rush as I was heading to my place from home, since I was leaving too late, and caught a very slow 103 that cannot go up the slopes faster than 5km/h...I suppose it would be an excellent idea if I can alight there and walk a bit before I re-join the bus again....But anyway, this just added time for me to be late to return to my place. I didn't head back straight, but went around Park N'Shop for the foodstuff that I would partly rely on the sustain my poor life in the coming week. Got something to eat for breakfast, at least for 2 days, which I would be saving at least 50-60 just on breakfast ne~

Hea-ed at the place for a while, packing and counting the number of my Tees, which with two tees at home included, would add up to a stunning, probably all time high at 22. 22 Tees are a little too far, I think, and probably there would be no withdrawals after this season, since all of them are still quite new, at most at 2 years. But some of them would surely relegate to trips down to the market instead of to school, and those that are not too over-sized might have their withdrawals earlier, but can't tell yet.

And after 11pm, it's time for me to practice a little bit. What to practice? Badminton in open air! Whom? People I knew after playing badminton with them. I am quite surprised at my performance in this evening, and actually am impressed. My honourable opponent discovered his "blind-spot" after playing with me for a while, as he missed the shuttle for at least 7 to 8 times around the same bricks on the floor, which he said that they should be good-balls if were in matches! I began to feel a little progress of my playing skills, as I love to smash the ball to the lower right corner of my opponent (Those who would like to play with me MUST pay special attention to this ne! :P), and the volleys got a little better than before. But what I need to practice intensively would surely be reflexes. I am still too slow to react against the quick smashes, and always missed the shuttle in that case. With my style of playing, I have to know and understand that quick smashes would be quite likely, and thus I must react quick enough to stop those smashes, as well as practicing better volleys to counter-attack~~
Maybe a little too much on badmintons right now~

Gotta return to my hea-ing style, and work much harder upon everything tomorrow lu~



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