
No, that's a dream.....I can't believe it....

Playing badminton in the park as usual just now, but suddenly a guy approached us, and began to praise me that I look to have learnt badminton before, and play very well...... What?!? Me? I am shocked as well as overjoyed. The more he commented, the more I was surprised. He went on to comment that my forehand smashes were excellent, while my backhand looked a little too weak.

Of course, being praised is always something that I dream for.....But better not at such an early stage. It means a lot to me, but what I concern most would surely be the coming test on badminton skills, on which I would be admitted to the district team or not. I am longing for such chances offered to me, but I won't know until the results are out. It boosts my morale in training, coz I finally got a stable partner to play with, whom has got excellent volleys, maybe my gratitutes should go to him for allowing me to train smashes, while I am learning his volleys on the other hand.

It's only about a month ago that I started to play with the people in Belcher's Bay Park, and I began to get the recongition of the people. It was so nice when I arrived at the place where we usually play badminton, saying that "the young brother has come", which means that we can start playing without delay. And after all the games, we chatted for a while on rackets and on other things as well. I still don't know them by their names, but I am confident that we can be good friends just because we all love badminton.

Log of my progress:
1. Tonight's smashes are quite good at first, but not really well as time passed. This indicates that I would need very intensive training on stamina, and probably the strengthening of my arms, which would generate better forces when smashing.
2. The backhands are not too strong tonight. I would need to work much harder to correct this problem by playing a bit more backhand later on.
3. Sprintings are doing okay in average. Maybe I got a little too lazy towards the end, which caused me to stand instead of sprinting around the "Court". I would have to urge myself to run more.
4. Jump smashes: Quite satisfied tonight except exceptionally low accuracy in hitting the shuttle in very early stages.
5. Services are not good enough tonight. Missed quite a handful of shuttles.
6. Generally appreciated efforts with the old racket, while new racket is a little too light for this open air "Court", and sometimes just left me with light touches instead of forceful smashes even when chances are out there.

Overall score for tonight: 7.5/10, need to improve stamina.....



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