

I didn't write anything after the sem has started.....The lessons so far are not bad, and I find some of them quite interesting. Though there are certain problems that I would like to sort out on the part of Introduction of Private International Law, yet I think this is the most interesting course (and with the most interesting lecturer) so far. Contract is quite okay with Ms. Petersen, and should still be with Greenwood, but really a doubt for me on the part of Bart.....Constitution, not really bad for the course, yet not great fun to have it. Just that I would still have to give some excellent results out, coz this is one of the fields that I want to specialise in.

I have not yet started the lessons on politics yet, but hopefully they should be interesting ones. I just want to make sure how would the courses on Friday and Saturday be as for this week, as I have heard that there are no lessons on both Friday and Saturday. Would anybody who know please tell me~~~

Let me write a little more later on.....



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