
Just today itself is already interesting enough to write lots of things....

Supposed to have a tutorial (that there's no way to miss one) at 1040 in the morning, alarm also rang at 0745, which I wish to allow me time for miscellaneous things, like getting on the net and to get the ready laundry prepared for drying, shower, etc. But today is so nice to allow me to dream on quite a few things, some are about myself, and some are about private tuitions, some even go on to.......hehe. All these dreams are really nice, but everything becomes a disaster when I recognise the time that I wake up, it's 1006 already.....

Shit, I don't mind not packing my Mac with me, I don't mind having no time to go online, but how can I survive without having a shower, and to get changed? I brieflt just got the time to get changed and brushed my teeth, not a shower, and not to mention trying to get my hair gel-ed. Anyway, that ain't much disaster. The real disaster was that I found some of my hairs were not in their normal shape, stayed up a little bit.......but having no time, there is no way to make them good-looking enough again...

I think it's probably because curtain guards the sunlight away too well, allowing me to sleep so comfortably and not to be interfered by sunshine....(seems more like finding an excuse for something bad happened). I have already got it up, so that sunshine would be on my face tomorrow, and see if it would force me to wake up earlier tomorrow. I can't afford to wake up late again, coz there's another tutorial at 1040 tomorrow.....><

Tomorrow gonna "die another day" if I don't try to finish the readings now.....and the assignments as well.....NOOOOOO.......you cannot treat me like this......That's not fair (by the way, who is to decide what is fair?.......)



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