
MAC entry

Time for G4 desktop at my home is counting down. I am determined to get a PowerBook (doesn't mind whether it is a new or second hand one) to replace the desktop, so as to free up more space for the living room of my small home. The dekstop is quite likely to go away, but I am not really sure about whether I can get the replacement, because there are quite a few persons making offers for my Mac, while my offers for PowerBook are not yet replied.......God, I don't want to see a period of time which I would have one Mac, which might be too dangerous for me, especially needing to work with publication stuff.

My "mother" would be very likely to get an iBook as her laptop. She told me that she wanted to get a notebook, and I just mentioned Mac as a choice, yet she thought it was a bit too expensive, and she went on to check out the prices of PC notebooks. But it was yesterday that I told her about the education offer, which the prices are really nice for a notebook with 40G HDD and a Combo Drive....only at $8670... How would one miss such offer ne.......

Success in converting one more PC user to Mac....
but price is a rare reason for converting..........:P



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