

今天是我最後一次用Power Mac G4 M/T了。這台Power Mac已經跟我和家人一起渡過了三年,三年的光陰不長不短,但已足夠去一起經歷一些值得記住的日子。不論這些是苦是甜,這些都是不可磨滅的事情。真的很多謝Power Mac G4 M/T。

若Power Mac聽得懂人說話,我會對Power Mac說捨不得您。跟Power Mac共對三年,一切都是由MacOS 9開始。OS 9是一個很正的OS,而由於小弟用PC 9年後,對PC依然一竅不通,結果讓由PC轉至Mac的過程順利之餘,亦無甚麼不捨得。但由OS 9轉至OS X的過程是Power Mac孤軍奮鬥,而對OS X越來越熟手,applications的數目越來越多,使OS X變得更吸引。亦是看見OS X及OS 9使用的過程這般暢快,讓我自動成為蘋果公司的宣傳大使,不斷的說人switch至Mac平台。有不少人也是在玩過我的Mac後而決定switch的。

不說OS,只看Power Mac G4的外形已是極之吸引了。我們又怎會看到有一部PC會是這般美的?看到Power Mac灰白的外觀已是值回票價。雖說Titanium PowerBook美不勝收,但Power Mac G4的外觀是另一碼子的事。新的Mac雖然有其美的地方,但已非舊Mac可比擬的。

與Power Mac臨別依依,不知所言。只祈Power Mac的新生活是一斷愉快的、充實的日子。

請各位點擊往小弟相簿的連結,看看Power Mac臨別的樣子。
Power Mac G4: 20.05.2000 ~ 24.10.2003 (今天是新Mac OS 10.3出的日子)

Power Mac G4 - Configuration:
Original: G4-400MHz/64MB Ram/10GB HD/ATi Rage 128 Pro w/8MB RAM/DVD-ROM

Now: G4-400MHz/2x128MB Hitachi PC100 (-60ns) RAM + 1x256MB KingMax PC150 (-60ns) RAM/60GB+30GB HDD/ATi Radeon 8500 for Mac w/64MB DDR RAM/DVD-ROM

Farewell my Mac~~






Hopeful? Hopeless? Or simply because I am too stupid?

Should I ever re-consider whether I should still be in university this year, or would I face the reality the better by suspending for a year, work a little, knowing how poor the world is out there, and then resume studying? I know there are lots of things that I ain't doing enough, but somehow I lack the drive to push me back on track. What's that lacking? Determination? Enthusaism? Capability? or simply skills of life?

Everyday I feel tired when I woke up, never want to start a new day, and feel that there are so many burdens, some of them should be here but some of them should be done long ago. There are so many things that I would need to improve, so little time as well as courage, what should I do? They have got nothing as priority because they are all as important as others, just that I should need to know how things can be worked out before I can say anything.....

My all dear friends, please bear with me for such thoughtless entry, and structure-less as well as being illogical in the writing....



Am happy to see a new switcher to Mac tomorrow.

But as I would be going out tomorrow, certainly I would have to finish all the things that I am supposed to do before I can get out and play with the new Mac. One of them would surely be finishing the readings of Politics course, because I have already lacked behind and there's no way out except for me to work them out tomorrow, and burn some good CDs tomorrow before I will meet the new Mac of my sheung jong...and help her to get her Mac going.......


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