*FAQs on the war*
1. Where is the battlefield?
A: There is only just a battlefield for this war, and this battlefield is dynamic.
2. Why there is the need to such a war?
A: The need for such a war is already well-explained in the objectives of the war, whihc I don't bother to repeat here.
3. How long would this war last?
A: As said in the below entry, there's no definite end to this war.
4. How much would this war affect the GDP?
A: Absolutely no effect upon the GDP
5. How many people from the military would have to be mobilised for the sake of this war?
A: There is no need to have military for fighting such a war, since it is a war that is fought without using any sutff like bullets.
6. What is the penalty for desertion from this war?
A: The penalty would be perpetual imprisonment in hell.
7. Would there be a time for the war to suspend for a certain period, however short, for the allocation of resources upon other aspects of development?
A: I would like to re-state that this war uses absolutely no resources, and thus there is not the problem for allocating resources to other aspects of development because of the problem of scarcity of resources.
8. What does the war aim at?
A: Perfection.
9: If given perfection cannot be achieved after all, would the war-plan and strategy be changed?
A: There won't be any change in the war-plan because the war itself is a war fighting towards perfection, which I would like to stress that perfection being non-existent in this world as a factor is already taken into account when drafting up the war-plan.
10: Who is the one to decide the end of the war?
A: Nobody, because it is dependent on the time of the removal of the corrupting elements.
11: Any short term target?
A: Who gets to define short-term, pal? All targets are both short-term and long-term, once they are achieved, the war may end.
12: Would the war end up in eternity but failure?
A: We cannot rule out the possibility, but once the war is waged, there is no ground and being Wednesbury unreasonable to talk, or even to think, about failure and losing battle.
13: Is there any ultimate goal concerning the war?
A: I guess it would be pre-mature to reveal the goal of this war, since the ultimate goal is already passed to the front-line, and I would like to tell the press that this war is not for any simple or childish affair, but something being really serious, and something that is much complicated after extremely problematic handling concerning the handling of this war. Probably I have already revealed a bit on the goal of this war. So I'd better stop here, and thank you for all the friends from the press joining this press conference.